
Game Description
Beam is a 3D first person puzzle game that draws on science fiction elements. You play as a cybernetically enhanced superhuman that can shoot two types of beams. The grab beam allows you move objects within range at will, while the swap beam allows you to switch places with other objects, effectively teleporting you to that object's location. Your goal is to escape a series of rooms by manipulating the environment using your beams. Good luck!
General Rules
All levels must be completed in order without exiting to the level select or main menu screen
Beat the game as fast as possible
Any% Glitchless
Beat the game as fast as possible without glitches
All glitches, including the “infinite height by placing a crate underneath you and using the grab beam on it” glitch, are banned
Timing begins upon pushing the start button on the main menu
Timing ends when the credits scene becomes visible
Rules and Categories
Player | Time | Date | Game | Category |